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Securing webEOS sites


WebEOS sites can be configured with various access options, allowing a significant level of control on who can access the site, and which parts (directories) of the site they can access. In particular site administrators can decide to make certain parts of the site available without authentication while restricting other parts.

The access (authorization) settings for webEOS sites are managed both by the Web Services Portal and by the Application Portal, where each webEOS site is registered:

  • The Web Services Portal manages the global configuration such as guest access and per-directory access Screenshot

  • The Application Portal manages the detailed permissions, that is which groups have access to the site Screenshot


The registration of sites in the Application Portal is done automatically at site creation time. The site counterpart in the Application Portal is named according to the schema webframeworks-webeos-<sitename>. For example a webEOS site webservices-demo is named webframeworks-webeos-webservices-demo in the Application Portal.

By default, only CERN and eduGAIN users have access to a webEOS site. This is achieved by an automatic creation of a role called default-role at the moment of site registration in the Application Portal.

This default access setup can be modified as described below.

Guest Access

This setting is available in the webEOS management screen. By default it is disabled so that the site uses the CERN SSO and has a reasonable level of access protection, as recommended by the CERN Security Team. If the setting is enabled access to the site is allowed for unauthenticated users (guest users), no SSO login screen will appear.

Manage roles via the Application Portal

In the Web Services Portal webEOS management screen, click on Manage roles via the Application Portal.


From the Application portal, you can manage the detailed permissions of your site.

Providing access to a group / application role

Access the application in the Application Portal following Manage roles via the Application Portal guide.

In order to grant access to a group or groups, you have to add an Application role to the site and map this role to one or more groups by following the steps mentioned here.

You can use the role to protect the entire site in which case there is nothing else to do (just make sure that Guest Access is disabled!)

Controlling access per directory

Alternatively you can use the role to protect a subsite of your site, that is a specific EOS subdirectory. To achieve that specify the role in an .htaccess file placed in the EOS directory which you want to protect, like this:

AuthType openid-connect
Require claim cern_roles:<role_identifier>


The setting Use .htaccess files must be enabled.

Disabling authentication per directory

Even if the site is protected as such, there is a possibility to remove protection for a specific subsite (EOS subdirectory) thus allowing unauthenticated access to that part of the site. To achieve this add the following .htaccess file at the level which you wish to open to the public.

AuthType None
Require all granted


The setting Use .htaccess files must be enabled.

Enabling CERN Intranet access restriction

CERN Intranet access restriction can be enabled with a following directive in the .htaccess file:

# The list of all CERN networks. See
require ip 2001:1458::/32 2001:1459::/32 FD01:1458::/32 FD01:1459::/32

Note that you can:

  • combine user authentication with access restriction by using RequireAll (logical AND)
  • allow one of the multiple restrictions by using RequireAny (logical OR).


The setting Use .htaccess files must be enabled.

Common scenarios

The whole site accessible to unauthenticated users

  • Enable the option Guest Access in the Web Services Portal webEOS management screen.

The whole site accessible to specific groups

  • Disable the option Guest Access in the Web Services Portal webEOS management screen.
  • Access the application in the Application Portal following Manage roles via the Application Portal guide.
  • Modify the default-role role by adding one or more groups:

    A. Click the orange icon to Edit role details.


    B. Uncheck the checkbox This role applies to all authenticated users and click Submit.


    C. Then, click the green icon to Assign role to groups.


    D. Search and select the group that you want to allow access.


    After these steps, the selected group(s) is/are linked with the default-role. Make sure that the default-role is marked as Required.


    Please verify if the Level Of Assurance defined for the role is still accurate in respect to the group you used. By default it is set to CERN accounts and EduGAIN users, but if the group you chose to grant access to contains lightweight accounts, you need to change this setting to the lowest level Social Accounts, to allow the lightweight accounts to access the site.

The whole site accessible to CERN users only

  • Disable the option Guest Access in the Web Services Portal webEOS management screen.
  • Access the application in the Application Portal following Manage roles via the Application Portal guide.
  • Modify the default-role role:

    A. Click the orange icon to Edit role details.


    B. Make sure that the checkboxes This role is required to access my application and This role applies to all authenticated users are checked. Set the Minimum Level of Assurance to CERN (highest) and click Submit.


Root of the site accessible to unauthenticated users and some directories accessible to CERN users

In the Web Services Portal webEOS management screen:

  • Enable the option Guest Access
  • Enable the option Use .htaccess files

Then, access the application in the Application Portal following Manage roles via the Application Portal guide:

  • Modify the default-role role:

    A. Click the orange icon to Edit role details.


    B. Make sure that the checkboxes This role is required to access my application and This role applies to all authenticated users are checked. Set the Minimum Level of Assurance to CERN (highest) and click Submit.


  • Use that role in the .htaccess file, placed in the EOS directory which you want to protect, like this:

    AuthType openid-connect
    Require claim cern_roles:default-role

Root of the site accessible to unauthenticated users and some directories protected

In the Web Services Portal webEOS management screen:

  • Enable the option Guest Access
  • Enable the option Use .htaccess files

Then, access the application in the Application Portal following Manage roles via the Application Portal guide:

  • Delete the role default-role
  • Create a new Required role and associate it with one or more groups
  • Use that role in the .htaccess file, placed in the EOS directory which you want to protect, like this:
AuthType openid-connect
Require claim cern_roles:<role_identifier>


If different folders need to be available to different groups, create separate roles in the Application Portal: each role with the target group assigned, so that you can refer to these individual roles in each of the .htaccess files.

Root of the site restricted to a group of users and some directories public

In the Web Services Portal webEOS management screen:

  • Disable the option Guest Access
  • Enable the option Use .htaccess files

Then, access the application in the Application Portal following Manage roles via the Application Portal guide:

  • Modify the existing role default-role by adding one or more groups.

  • In the top EOS folder (root) of the site, in the .htaccess file, indicate that default-role is necessary:

AuthType openid-connect
Require claim cern_roles:default-role
  • In the EOS directory which you want to be public, place an .htaccess file with the following directives:
AuthType None
Require all granted

Advanced topics

How to logout users from a webeos site

You can kill the session from your application by redirecting the user to /oidc/callback with a parameter named logout. Example:

<a href="/oidc/callback?logout=https://<site URL>/desired_landing_page_after_logout.html">Logout</a>

Using a specific SSO implementation in your application

Single-page applications or specific application frameworks may want to use their own libraries to implement SSO, instead of the Apache authentication module. A SSO application registration is automatically created in the Application Portal for use by the Apache authentication module, but it should not be used for other SSO libraries.

In order to use other SSO libraries, create a second registration in the Application Portal.

Technical Network support

To make your application "visible" from CERN's Technical Network (TN Ingress), please open a ticket to the EOS Web Hosting Service. After approval by the security team (see "Security Checklist for Developers"), the feature will be enabled for your website.

Note that generally speaking, TN Ingress and Internet Ingress are mutually exclusive - speacial exception may be granted by the security team.